3 Signs You’re Under Federal Investigation: How to Proceed?

People often talk about Big Brother and how they feel they are constantly being monitored by the government. This phrase comes from the George Orwell novel 1984 and refers to a government that monitors every move of its citizens. This can lead to the person wondering if they are a target of a federal investigation. While there is no surefire way to know if this is the case, there are some signs a person can look for. What should you know in this situation? 

What is a Federal Investigation? 

Officials open an investigation when they suspect a federal crime has been committed. The goal of this investigation is to determine whether a crime has occurred and, if so, who is responsible for the crime. The officials will look for evidence of this illegal activity to prove the crime took place.

Federal agencies only look at those crimes that violate federal law. They don’t address matters that violate state law. Nevertheless, if a crime occurs on government property, these agencies take the lead. It doesn’t matter what state the property is in. 

A federal investigation can take, weeks, months, or even years to complete. Common federal crimes include bank or securities fraud, tax evasion, and currency counterfeiting. Mail fraud and electoral fraud are also federal crimes. If you have been charged with one of these crimes, you need a Criminal Defense lawyer right away. 

Federal Law Enforcement Agencies

Most people are aware of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and assume they would be the ones to head up any federal investigation, as its agents are tasked with protecting and defending the country. However, several federal agencies have law enforcement powers today. Controlled substances fall under the jurisdiction of the Drug Enforcement Agency and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms handles legal matters related to these items, including illegal trafficking of firearms. The Secret Service does more than protect the president and vice president. It also handles counterfeiting crimes. You could actually be the target of a federal investigation being led by one or more of these agencies. When should you be worried you are under federal investigation? 

A Knock on the Door

Most people don’t think twice where there is a knock on their door. They may answer the door or check their video doorbell to see who is there. When it appears to be agents from a federal agency, such as the IRS or FBI, many people panic. Ask them to state their business. They may wish to ask you questions about an ongoing case or they might be there to serve a search warrant. Once you know why they are on the property, call an attorney for help in determining how to proceed. The agents cannot compel you to answer any questions, although they may pressure you to do so. 

If the agents have a signed search warrant, the lawyer will probably tell you to comply. Read through the search warrant to know what they are looking for and watch as they search. Do not interfere with the process but confirm they aren’t taking anything not outlined in the warrant. The attorney will provide more information regarding what you should do in this situation. 

At times, the knock on the door is nothing more than a subpoena being delivered. However, you must also comply with this subpoena. Do not try to destroy evidence so the agency won’t get its hands on the materials. Doing so will cause more problems than it solves. 

A Letter in the Mail

When you receive a letter in the mail from a federal agency, it may be one of several things. Don’t worry until you open the letter and learn what it continues. This letter might ask that you appear at the agency for a formal interview to answer some questions. It might also be a letter stating that you are being investigated. This is referred to as a target letter and will share information about the crime the agency believes you have committed. In this letter, you will also find information about your rights under the Fifth Amendment. In certain situations, the letter will request that you turn over specific documents. Meet with an attorney before doing so, as they can help you figure out how to proceed. 

Your Bank Accounts are Frozen

Imagine going to the bank and being unable to access your accounts. You may try to use your credit cards only to learn they cannot be used. When this happens, it suggests you are under federal investigation and the authorities have frozen your financial accounts. They have the right to put a freeze on any assets until the investigation is complete and possibly longer. Now is the time to speak to an attorney to learn what steps you can take to access money, as you need funds to live off of as the investigation moves forward. 

These are only a few of many signs you are the target of a federal investigation. You might discover you have become a target when someone warns you. They have heard about the investigation and your name was mentioned, so they share this information with you. Never discount what they say. Contact an attorney to learn what you should do next. 

It might be that nobody warns you but you have a feeling that someone is monitoring your movements. Every person has felt someone’s eyes on them before, but the feeling of being watched goes beyond that. New cars may be parked by your home and they seem to change regularly with each car staying in one place for several hours. Your cell phone battery may drain rapidly as a result of a tracking program being installed on it. The government has many ways to surveil people so look for signs such as these if you feel you are being watched. 

Regardless of why you suspect you have become the target of a federal investigation, speak to an attorney right away. Often, the attorney can learn more about the investigation. They are available to answer your questions and react quickly if federal authorities take further legal action. Don’t want to secure this representation. You need help right away, so reach out to an attorney as soon as you feel you have become a target. You have too much at risk to delay making this call. 

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