5 Things Your Car Insurance Company Doesn’t Want You to Know After a Car Accident

We obtain vehicle insurance policies to provide financial protection in the event of an accident. However, not everyone knows that insurance companies aren’t always on your side. They may provide financial protection as advertised, but it’s typically not that straightforward. Being aware of what insurance companies don’t want you to know may give you a little more power and confidence in the event of a collision: 

You Can Hire a Lawyer to Help With Your Claim                   

Insurance companies typically advertise an easy claims process on their website. You can click a ‘file a claim’ button on their site and follow a series of steps. However, you might be inclined to type ’accident lawyer near me’ into a search engine when you learn that you don’t have to navigate the claims process alone.

In fact, most accident lawyers recommend obtaining legal help before filing a claim so you can have someone by your side to help protect your rights. Insurance companies may be less likely to try to take advantage of you if they know you’ve already sought legal representation

They’re Not Just in the Business of Helping You

Insurance companies may say they put people before profit, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they do. They also often want to pay out as little as possible to maintain their profit levels. This can mean they will provide a low initial offer, hoping you’ll take it. They may even ask leading questions to potentially reduce your chances of receiving the payout you deserve. 

Their First Offer is Rarely Their Best

It’s only natural to want to settle your car accident claim as quickly as possible so you can move on with your life and cover your accident-related costs. However, it’s important to know that an insurance company’s first offer is rarely their best.

Many insurance adjusters will provide you with a settlement offer below what your claim is worth. While it can be tempting to take it, doing so may mean you’re not able to cover your immediate and ongoing costs. 

You Don’t Have to Talk to Them

When you need to claim on an auto policy, you might assume your insurance company needs to be your first port of call. However, that’s not the case. If you don’t have experience with how insurance companies operate, there’s a chance you’ll say something that may be held against you when settling your claim. 

It’s often in your best interests to leave communication to a lawyer. They can provide all the information they need in a controlled way, such as how the accident happened, your injuries, and the treatment you received. 

You Can Fight When Your Claim is Denied

Insurance companies can deny claims for many reasons, such as breaking the law, exceeding policy limits, and even not seeking medical attention after an accident. If you don’t think the claim denial is justified, you don’t have to take no for an answer. You can seek help from a car accident lawyer, which may help them change their minds. 

Insurance companies aren’t always on your side. However, when you know how to manage them in the event of an accident, you may be more likely to enjoy a satisfactory claim settlement outcome.

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