‘Abstinence is not the only road to recovery’

BPR: What is Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) and why is it a major health, social and financial problem?

Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is a chronic disease characterized by an individual regularly consuming a quantity of alcohol which is harmful to them both physically and socioeconomically. It is believed that there are over 200 physical and mental health problems associated with AUD, including multiple types of cancer, liver disease, depression, domestic violence, and memory problems.

It is estimated that AUD costs the US healthcare system over $10 billion annually, not taking into account the economic costs of decreased productivity of those suffering from AUD. An estimated 140,000 people die every year in the U.S. from alcohol-related causes, and alcohol use is estimated to play a factor in one-third of all driving fatalities and one-fourth of all deaths by suicide.

AUD can also have significantly detrimental effects on families and communities. More than 10% of children in the U.S. are estimated to live with a parent who has AUD, and substance misuse is involved in between 40-60% of reported incidents of domestic violence.

BPR: What does the current treatment landscape for AUD look like?

The current treatment landscape for alcohol use disorder (AUD) includes a variety of medications and behavioral therapies. Medications can help to reduce cravings for alcohol, block the intoxicating effects of alcohol, or cause unpleasant side effects if alcohol is consumed. Behavioral therapies can help people to develop coping skills, identify and avoid triggers, and change their drinking habits.

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