Adapting to regulatory shifts and market demand

BPR: Can you provide insights into any regulatory changes or compliance issues that are impacting your business?

Our new APS-qualified manufacturing facility aligns with Annex 1 compliance standards, which are critical for clients targeting European markets, while also meeting the highest quality standards for U.S. markets. Unlike older facilities undergoing retrofitting to meet these standards, our facility incorporates new technology designed from the ground up.  We see investment in Annex 1 compliant technology and systems as a requirement for future production and a focus of pharmaceutical companies. Additionally, implementation of software-controlled systems for unidirectional control prevents flow errors for personnel and materials and is a critical step in compliance within a multi-product manufacturing facility.  

BPR: What challenges is your company currently facing in the pharmaceutical market, and how are you addressing them?

The global regulatory environment, especially Annex 1, heavily influences the standards for parenteral drug manufacturers. Selkirk has proactively developed its facilities to surpass these standards and leverages emerging technologies to stay ahead.  Since its inception five years ago, Selkirk has prioritized cutting-edge technologies like isolator technology, software-controlled unidirectional airflow, and Pharma 4.0 investments. Implementing these technologies in new facilities poses substantial challenges and retrofitting them can be even more daunting. Unlike most CMOs that rely on procedural controls, Selkirk has engineered a software system to eliminate flow errors, addressing a complex issue without current market solutions and setting a forward-looking standard in anticipation of future advancements.

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