Avelo enters 2024 as one of the most reliable US carriers

Coming off the back of a strong year, which saw the carrier build on an 85% surge in customer growth, Avelo Airlines enters 2024 as one of America’s most reliable airlines.

According to market research firm Anuvu, Avelo achieved the U.S. airline industry’s lowest flight cancellation rate and ranked #2 in on-time performance in 2023.

Flight Cancellation Rate 2023

Research firm Anuvu is a leading provider of connectivity and entertainment solutions for the worldwide aviation and maritime industries.

Avelo Airlines achieved a major feat in 2023 by recording the lowest flight cancellation rate in the entire U.S. airline industry.

While the industry average stood at 1.3%, Avelo canceled just 0.18% of its flights, demonstrating a remarkable commitment to reliability.

Comparing this with its 2022 performance, where it already boasted the second-lowest cancellation rate at 0.85%, Avelo’s dedication to improvement is evident.

The airline not only maintained its standing but significantly outperformed its own previous benchmark.

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The underside of an Avelo Airlines aircraft.
Photo by Joe Scarnici/Getty Images for Avelo

On-Time Performance: Expectations Surpassed

Avelo Airlines further solidified its position by ranking #2 in on-time performance according to the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) A14 metric, which evaluates flights arriving within 15 minutes of their scheduled time.

With an impressive on-time arrival rate of 82.8% in 2023, Avelo soared past the industry average of 77.7%.

Delta Air Lines held the top spot with 83.1%, but Avelo’s #2 rank marked a substantial improvement from its 2022 standing, where it secured the fourth position.

Close up of an Avelo Airlines 737
Photo Credit: Joe Scarnici/Getty Images for Avelo

‘Operational Excellence’

Andrew Levy, Avelo Airlines Founder, Chairman, and CEO, attributes the airline’s success to a steadfast commitment to operational excellence. Levy emphasizes that Avelo’s dedication paid off in 2023, resulting in substantial improvements in flight reliability.

“Avelo is entering 2024 positively positioned for the significant opportunities ahead of us. Our commitment to operational excellence paid dividends in 2023, exemplified by Avelo’s substantial improvements in flight reliability,” said Levy.

Looking at the year ahead, Levy is upbeat: “2023 was our best and busiest year yet, and 2024 promises to be even more so.”

Levy emphasizes that Avelo’s customers rely on the airline for a smooth and convenient travel experience. He says that airline takes pride in providing industry-leading reliability, ensuring that every journey is not just a flight but an experience customers can depend on.

Avelo in 2024

As Avelo Airlines reflects on its best and busiest year in 2023, its continued performance over 2024 will be of interest.

Andrew Levy certainly expresses confidence about the significant opportunities awaiting the airline in the upcoming year. Avelo is hopefully poised to continue its legacy of reliability, promising an interesting year ahead.

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