“Biggest rip-off ever”: Ryanair accuses OTA site

Ryanair has accused “OTA pirate” Trip.com of the “biggest ever rip-off”, advertising €6,699 for an €18 one-way Ryanair flight from Dublin to London Stansted.

On Monday, December 11th, Trip.com allegedly overcharged a huge 37,100%, advertising €6,699 for the one-way short-haul flight.

The recent incident involving Ryanair, Europe’s leading airline, and their allegation about Trip.com raises points about the need for stricter controls to protect unsuspecting travelers.

The Alleged Overcharge

According to a statement by the airline, on Monday, December 11th, Trip.com allegedly overcharged €6,699 for an €18 one-way Ryanair flight from Dublin to London Stansted. The carrier posted a screenshot of the subject advertisement with a statement.

The budget carrier claims that this example not only spotlights the urgent need for government and consumer agency intervention but also underscores the importance of booking directly with airlines to avoid falling victim to such blatant scams.

Etihad affiliate link banner
Source: Ryanair

In a baffling turn of events, Trip.com purportedly charged an exorbitant amount for a simple flight that, under normal circumstances, would cost a fraction of the demanded sum.

Ryanair spokesperson Dara Brady expressed deep concern over the blatant mis-selling and piracy that consumers face at the hands of “unscrupulous OTA pirates”. Brady emphasized the need for immediate government and consumer agency intervention to curb these dishonest practices.

“We are baffled that Govts and consumer protection agencies have failed to act and adjust the dishonest and egregious practices of these OTA internet pirates who masquerade as price comparison websites when in reality they are scammers and rip-off merchants overcharging unsuspecting consumers,” said Brady.

The Role of Governments and Consumer Agencies

Despite Ryanair’s plea for swift action, both the UK and Irish governments, along with consumer protection agencies, have seemingly fallen short in addressing the rising issue of OTA piracy.

This lack of action raises questions about the effectiveness of current regulations in safeguarding consumers from unscrupulous practices.

Ryanair urges consumers to exercise caution and avoid falling prey to OTA pirate scams. The call is clear: book directly with airlines or reputable websites to ensure fair pricing and avoid the exorbitant overcharges witnessed in the Trip.com case.

How to Avoid OTA Pirates

In their recent statement, Ryanair outline a number of safeguards to afford protection from such advertisers.

Direct Booking: The Safest Route

To safeguard yourself from potential scams, consider booking directly through the airline’s official website.

This not only ensures transparency but also eliminates the risk of falling victim to outrageous overcharges.

Be Skeptical of Unrealistic Deals

If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Exercise caution when encountering seemingly unbelievable prices, especially on third-party platforms.

“We urge on consumers to always book directly with Ryanair or the other airline websites to avoid falling victim to OTA pirate scams and overcharges, such as this Trip.com example, where they overcharged a staggering €6,699 for an €18 one-way Ryanair flight,” said Dara Brady.

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