Cargolux Bans Transport of E-Cigarettes & Vapes

Luxembourg-based airline Cargolux has this week announced that it will ban the transport of e-cigarettes & vapes on it’s aircraft.

The reasons for the airline doing this aren’t so much from a safety side of things, but more for the wider world.

Without further ado, let’s get into it…

Banning the Distribution of E-Cigarettes & Vapes Onboard…

Photo Credit: Arash Abed/AviationSource

Cargolux has taken the decision to ban the transport of disposable e-cigarettes & vapes.

This is down to the “growing concern about the adverse effects of these products on both public health and the environment”, the airline said in a statement.

Adding to this further was Richard Forson, President and CEO of Cargolux:

“The ban on transporting disposable electronic cigarettes reflects Cargolux’s commitment to the environment and public health and safety.”

“With this action, we hope to contribute to reducing the availability of these products on the market.”

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“As a responsible corporate citizen, Cargolux aims for this initiative to encourage other logistics operators to adopt similar measures”.

The airline concluded their statement with the following on such vapes:

“Committed to sustainable practices, Cargolux continues to set the highest standards in its business operations.”

“Disposable e-cigarettes now join an expanding list of items that Cargolux refuses to transport on routes across its global network for ethical reasons.”

A Good Move from the Airline?

Cargolux Bans Transport of E-Cigarettes & Vapes
Photo Credit: Arash Abed/AviationSource

From a PR and social governance point of view, this is quite a big step from Cargolux, the freighter carrier based in Luxembourg.

They are of the belief that if they transport these goods, they are complicit in the detrimental health risks from this.

This will no doubt be welcomed by campaign groups and people who are against smoking such vapes & e-cigarettes.

Let’s see what the overall reaction of this will be moving forward.


Photo Credit: Arash Abed/AviationSource

Overall, this is a significant move by Cargolux, as campaigns against disposable e-cigarettes & vapes continue.

Looking ahead, it will be interesting to see if any other freighter carriers will respond in the same way.

By putting social governance ahead of revenue, this will be welcomed by many campaigning about this topic.

Let’s see if this will be a theme throughout 2024 moving forward.

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