Clinical Trials Day – Praxis on putting people first

The association says the day (May 20) is a ‘joyful opportunity to pause in reflection, recognition, and admiration of all that has been accomplished thanks to clinical trials and the people behind them’.

OSP had plenty of questions to put to Karen Grobe, senior vice president, managing director and Karen Renzi, vice president, strategy both at Praxis about what is going on in the clinical trial arena.

Rising Awareness: What do you attribute to the rising awareness of clinical trials among the general public and within the healthcare industry?

COVID really put healthcare, and specifically clinical research, front and center for the general public in a way we hadn’t ever seen. Clinical trials became a topic more familiar to a broader audience, and therefore more accessible. 

We’ve also seen a shift among many top pharmas to invest in general clinical trial awareness, both through industry partnership efforts and for their own individual trial portfolios. We’re starting to see some of the internal silos break down that may have previously focused attention and budgets on study-by-study recruitment only, shifting to a broader understanding of the value of nurturing the patient journey earlier through awareness efforts, ultimately seeking to match a patient with the trial that may be right for them.

Industry Progress: How has the clinical trials industry evolved over the past few years, particularly in terms of patient recruitment and retention?

Similar to what we noted above, we’re starting to see more recognition of looking at the patient journey in a clinical trial along a longer spectrum – starting with generating clinical trial awareness and interest, then guiding the patient into a study that may be right for them. While there is still room to grow, it feels encouraging to see consideration of the patient experience beyond transactional recruitment into a trial.

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