ClinOne launches enhanced self-service platform

This expansion, powered by True Software as a Service (SaaS), introduces advanced self-service configuration management capabilities, empowering users to streamline clinical trial setup and management like never before, ClinOne says.

This seminal development, the company says, signifies a significant shift in the clinical trial landscape, putting the power directly in the hands of customers to configure, deploy, and execute trials according to their unique requirements.

By offering intuitive self-service options, ClinOne aims to ‘revolutionize the traditional approach’ to clinical trial management, offering a more agile and cost-effective solution for sponsors and researchers.

“We believe that our customers know their needs best,” says Brian Ongioni, head of product at ClinOne.

“By offering a full self-service option, we are not only providing them with the tools they need to succeed but also the freedom to configure their technology in a way that best suits their trials. This autonomy leads to lower costs, as customers are no longer paying for unnecessary services, and it streamlines the adoption process across the enterprise.”

The newly introduced self-service platform is designed to be user-friendly, enabling users to configure a study in just a few hours through a simple point-and-click interface. With no engineering expertise required, the platform is accessible to all users, facilitating faster study start-up and more efficient trial management.

“We are proud to offer a solution that is not only powerful and comprehensive but also easy to use,” commented Andrea Valente, CEO of ClinOne.

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