Condor Flight Frankfurt-Toronto Christmas Diversion to Manchester

A Condor Boeing 767-300 operating a flight between Frankfurt and Toronto made a Christmas Day diversion to Manchester Airport.

Incident: Condor Flight Frankfurt-Toronto Christmas Diversion to Manchester…

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Condor flight DE2402 is a routine scheduled flight between Frankfurt am Main and Toronto Pearson, with the affected rotation diverting to Manchester being operated by D-ABUC.

As per, D-ABUC is a 31.1 year old Boeing 767-300 that started out life with the German carrier back in January 1993.

By March 1994, the aircraft was transferred over to Lufthansa, before being sent back to Condor again in November 1995.

In July 2002, D-ABUC was sent to Thomas Cook Airlines, where it remained there for around another two years before being back with the German leisure carrier, where it has been since.

Condor flight DE2402 departed Frankfurt am Main at 1230 local time on Christmas Day and proceeded westbound in the direction of Toronto.

Upon flying through half of Irish airspace, the crew onboard decided to make a u-turn and descent in the direction of Manchester, where the aircraft landed safely at 1357 local time.

DE2402 remained on the ground for around two hours before getting into the skies again, and continuing on to Toronto, where the aircraft landed at 1758 local time.

It is understood the cause of this Christmas diversion into Manchester was due to a medical emergency onboard the aircraft.

Overall, the delay on the Frankfurt-Toronto flight amounted to a near nine-hour delay due to a delayed departure out of the UK following the medical emergency.

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