Delta Disappointed Over Aeromexico JCA Approval Terminated

Delta Air Lines has this week expressed disappointment over the U.S Department of Transportation terminating it’s approval of the JCA with Aeromexico.

The JCA, known as the Joint Cooperation Agreement, is responsible for the launch of new routes between the U.S & Mexico.

Without further ado, let’s get into it…

Delta Disappointed Over Aeromexico JCA Approval Terminated…

Photo Credit: Arash Abed/AviationSource
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The full statement from Delta Air Lines on this is as follows:

“Delta is deeply disappointed by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s tentative decision to terminate its approval of Delta and Aeromexico’s procompetitive Joint Cooperation Agreement.”

“This unprecedented, regulatory overreach by the DOT will cause significant harm to consumers traveling between the U.S and Mexico.”

“Mexico is our country’s second largest trading partner and the Delta/Aeromexico Joint Cooperation Agreement, which is responsible for the launch of 15 routes between the U.S. and Mexico, has been critical to connecting communities and businesses in both countries, while generating substantial economic benefits for U.S. businesses.”

“Delta will take all necessary steps to protect the millions of consumers that have benefitted from its strategic partnership to ensure the continued delivery of important benefits to consumers in the U.S.-Mexico market.”

It is unclear what will happen next, but it is expected that both sides will appeal this decision with the DOT.

But for now, all we can do now is wait and see what happens next in this dramatic development.

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