Delta Flight from Atlanta to Paris Declares Emergency

A Delta Air Lines flight from Atlanta to Paris has declared an emergency whilst approaching the destination.

Delta flight DL88, a Boeing 767 from Atlanta, declared an emergency with code 7700 whilst on descent into Paris (CDG).

Flight DL88, operating the transatlantic long haul route, declared the emergency whilst passing through FL250 (25,000 feet). The aircraft was established on the descent into Paris when it squawked code 7700.

The nature of the emergency is not yet clear, and the flight has continued its descent.

Update 08:40 UTC

Flight DL88 continuing approach and passing through 5,000 feet for CDG. Weather for the flight’s arrival this morning is visual conditions (VFR) with visibility 10 kilometres or more.

RWYs 26/27 are presently active for the arrival.

Delta flight DL88 is now establishing for approach to RWY 27 CDG, passing through 3,000 feet. Nature of the emergency remains unclear at this time.

Update 08:50 UTC

Delta Air Lines flight DL88 now landed Paris Charles de Gaulle (CDG) after an earlier emergency declaration.

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