Gulf Air 787 Bahrain-Dhaka Emergency, Diverts to Bangkok

In the last few hours, a Gulf Air Boeing 787 from Bahrain to Dhaka diverted to Bangkok, and declared an emergency whilst enroute to the Thai capital.

Gulf Air 787 Bahrain-Dhaka Declares Emergency, Diverts to Bangkok…

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Gulf Air 787 Bahrain-Dhaka Emergency, Diverts to Bangkok
Data provided by

Gulf Air flight GF250 is a routine scheduled flight between Bahrain and Dhaka, with the affected rotation diverting and declaring an emergency in Bangkok being operated by A9C-FE.

As per data from, A9C-FE is a 5.1 year old Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner that was delivered to the carrier back in December 2018.

Of the 787-9 variant, the airline has 10 of them, of which eight are in active service, and two are currently parked, holding an average fleet age of 4.6 years.

Gulf Air flight GF250 departed Bahrain at 2103 local time yesterday evening, and proceeded eastbound in the direction of Dhaka.

The aircraft descended normally into the Bangladeshi airport, but then proceeded to enter some holds during this approach phase.

Poor Weather at the Destination Airfield…

Source: METAR TAF.

Weather at Dhaka (Screenshot taken at 0237 UK time) highlights significant fog at Dhaka, with previous weather reports saying that visibility was at one stage up to 100m.

Because of these poor conditions, the crew onboard Gulf Air flight GF250 decided to divert all of the way over to Bangkok in Thailand, where the conditions were more favourable.

Reports are indicating that the reason for the 7700 emergency squawk was due to the crew running low on fuel, so needed a priority into Bangkok as a result.

For this flight that originally started out in Bahrain, the aircraft landed into the Thai capital at 0913 local time this morning.

At this stage, it is unclear when the aircraft will continue on to Dhaka, or whether the flight will instead just re-route back to it’s base in Manama.

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