How can One2Treat revolutionize clinical trial designs?

One2Treat aims to make the clinical trial process as seamless as possible and answered a number of the questions we put to Samuel Salvaggio who bridges clinical insights with biostatistics.

Patient Engagement: How do you involve patients in the design and execution of your clinical trials?

We place a strong emphasis on incorporating patient perspectives in the clinical trials we design. We achieve this by using our innovative statistical methodology which allow to include multiple key outcomes in a single comprehensive assessment, ensuring a holistic evaluation of the treatment’s impact. This patient-centric approach can involve actively seeking and integrating feedback from patients and patient advocacy groups during the design phase. By prioritizing patient-relevant outcomes and considering their needs and preferences, we ensure that our trials not only assess efficacy and safety but also focus on improving patients’ quality of life.

Innovation and Technology: Are there any new technologies or methodologies you are implementing to improve the efficiency and accuracy of your clinical trials and how is your company using data analytics or AI to enhance clinical trial processes?

We are at the forefront of integrating advanced technologies and innovative statistical methodologies to revolutionize clinical trials. Our approach enhances the patient-centricity of clinical trials by incorporating multiple key outcomes into a single comprehensive analysis, providing a more nuanced understanding of treatment effects. This holistic assessment not only increases the clinical relevance of our analyses but also significantly reduces sample sizes, improving overall trial timelines and accelerating its time to market.

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