Legalized medical cannabis in the UK five years on

The treatments are intended for a number of chronic health conditions including chronic pain, severe IBS, sleep disorders, and neurological conditions like Parkinson’s, epilepsy, and motor neurone disease.

This decision marked the legalization of medical cannabis in the UK.

Releaf, the UK’s first all-in-one medical cannabis e-clinic has taken a look at the industry’s progress with the fifth anniversary in mind.  

The health-tech start-up says it is revolutionising patient access to medicinal cannabis treatments in the UK and is ‘rooted in innovation and driven by a passion’ for patient excellence, they say they are proud to be the only all-in-one clinic in the UK, seamlessly integrating all stages of the patient journey.

It says that despite the legalization of medical cannabis in 2018, not a great deal has changed for patients in the UK. It has also noted that those suffering from chronic health conditions still face significant challenges in accessing prescriptions from the NHS and many have expressed concerns over the lack of substantial progress.

Legal status of UK medical cannabis

Releaf’s most recent report​ sheds light on the pressing issue. It says it reveals that shockingly, while approximately 29.6 million people (50.2%) in the UK could potentially benefit from a medicinal cannabis prescription, only a mere 0.48% of the population have received one. The report also highlights a general lack of awareness, with 58.5% of respondents unsure of the legal status of medical cannabis in the UK, despite 83.7% acknowledging its potential to help manage various health conditions.

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