Linklaters announces partnership with European Women on Boards to foster gender diversity in leadership

Linklaters is proud to announce its partnership with European Women on Boards (EWOB), a pivotal step in its ongoing commitment to promoting gender diversity and supporting the advancement of qualified women in leadership roles.

EWOB is a European non-profit association based in Brussels. Since its foundation in 2013, EWOB has been committed to advancing gender equality in decision-making roles across Europe.

The organization actively supports women and their career aspirations by providing professional development programs, international networking opportunities, and monthly events to its international community of women leaders. EWOB also champions change across Europe through research and advocacy in collaboration with local partners and European institutions.

Linklaters is particularly proud to support the participation of two women from underrepresented backgrounds in EWOB’s C-Level Program. Linklaters will also be actively contributing to the content of the training program through the facilitation of a legal workshop. The EWOB C-Level Program is designed to support senior female leaders in keeping pace with contemporary leadership challenges while connecting with other professionals facing similar challenges.

The partnership between Linklaters and EWOB represents a shared vision for a more diverse and inclusive corporate environment.

Anne-Sophie Vankemmelbeke, Partner at Linklaters, comments:

“At Linklaters, we recognize that empowering women to take on leadership roles is not just about social responsibility—it’s about business excellence. Our collaboration with European Women on Boards is a strategic investment in the diverse talent that will shape the future of global business. By enabling access to EWOB’s C-Level Program, we are helping to dismantle barriers and build a robust pipeline of female leaders ready to take on tomorrow’s challenges.”

Jennifer Granado Aranzana, Managing Associate at Linklaters, comments:

“Diversity in the boardroom isn’t just a metric — it’s a catalyst for innovation and success. Our support of the European Women on Boards initiative is a clear demonstration of Linklaters’ commitment to creating a more inclusive leadership culture within the corporate world. We’re not just talking about change; we’re actively participating in the movement to elevate qualified women to where they can make a significant impact.”

Linklaters’ sponsorship of EWOB is a reflection of the firm’s deep-rooted belief in equal opportunities and its dedication to creating pathways for women to succeed at the highest levels of business leadership.

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