Lokavant unveils AI feasibility solution at DIA 2024

This innovative technology allows study teams to predict, optimize, and control trial timelines and costs in real-time, enabling iterative feasibility analysis and mid-study course correction. By automatically incorporating ongoing financial forecasting, Spectrum dynamically adjusts budgets based on real data, ensuring accurate modeling and efficient trial management.

Product and Service Innovations: Can you share any new products or services your company is unveiling at this year’s DIA? How do your latest innovations address current challenges in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries?

At this year’s DIA annual meeting, Lokavant is excited to unveil its new AI feasibility solution, Spectrum. This novel technology enables study teams to predict, optimize, and control trial timelines and costs in real-time, enabling iterative feasibility analysis and mid-study course correction – critical to success in today’s hyper-complex trial environment. The solution also automatically incorporates ongoing financial forecasting without time-consuming manual intervention to accurately model budgets. With Spectrum, timeline changes dynamically drive commensurate changes in budgets – providing more granular modeling using real data, not just assumptions.

Market Trends and Challenges: What major trends do you see shaping the future of the pharmaceutical industry? What are the biggest challenges your company is currently facing, and how are you addressing them?

One major trend shaping the future of the pharmaceutical industry is the increasing emphasis on personalized medicine, which has also increased the complexity and variability in clinical trials. Today, every trial is like a rare disease trial, resulting in unique requirements and difficulties in patient recruitment and data collection. This adds to trial timelines: today it takes an average of eighteen months to recruit patients for a phase III trial, a 39% jump​ in trial timelines from 2008 to 2019. Additionally, today’s trials must absorb more mid-study protocol amendments – which, per trial, have increased from 2.1 to 3.3 since 2015 (a 60% jump), according to a 2022 study​ by Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development.

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