Luka Yancopoulos, CEO of Grapevine, on data management and supply chains

Luka Yancopoulos is CEO of Grapevine and explains the importance, and challenges, of standardizing data from different sources in order to process it at scale. 

What are some of the top challenges you see companies facing in implementing data and AI solutions for supply chain visibility? How does Grapevine help address those?

Imagine you’ve got a big box of puzzle pieces – but the box is missing pieces from the original puzzle, and it’s got pieces from lots of different puzzles that have been mixed up. If you were to try to put the pieces together, to complete the puzzle and make ‘pictures’, you would struggle. In healthcare supply chains, we’re trying to use AI to build a better picture – to compare supply options, lower supply costs, and predict shortages before they happen. To do this, we rely on data. But like the puzzle pieces, the data is all mixed up, it comes from different old systems – exported from existing IT infrastructure, legacy systems, and businesses.

We’re dealing with different pieces that don’t quite fit together, and the legacy companies who own that data, like the Mckessons of the world, they don’t make it easy to retrieve your missing pieces. Your data, like your puzzle pieces must be standardized, and you need a lot of it. Grapevine works with many of the legacy supply chain players, including McKesson, to consolidate data from many siloed sources. But these legacy businesses need to do a better job of creating and sharing information. At Grapevine, we’ve done a pretty good job of partnering with many of these legacy supply chain players, McKesson, Medline, and Schein – we connect to their antiquated data sharing systems, we standardize the information from those systems and process it at scale.

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