Medidata’s data-driven solutions to enhance patient experiences

They discuss their roles and experiences and how Medidata handles clinical research. The conversation covers topics ranging from patient engagement to technological advancements, highlighting the importance of human touch in clinical trials and the integration of data-driven solutions to enhance patient experiences.

LL: Just to kick things off, could you both introduce yourselves and explain your roles at Metidata?

KM:​ Certainly. I’m Kelly McKee, VP of Decentralized Clinical Trials, and Patient Registries at Metidata. My focus is on optimizing site, patient, and sponsor experiences through technology solutions. I have more than 20 years of experience working with major pharmaceutical companies before joining Metadata.

DB:​ Hi, I’m Daniel Braga, VP of EHR and healthcare solutions at Metidata. My role revolves around bridging the gap between the healthcare industry and clinical research, leveraging metadata to connect these previously disparate areas. Before Metidata, I founded a startup in medical imaging interoperability.

LL:Let’s continue by discussing your recent achievements. Dan, congratulations on winning the Site Innovation Award. Could you tell us more about the technology behind it and how it’s revolutionizing data entry in clinical trials?

DB:​ Sure. Last year, we embarked on a mission to connect the healthcare industry to clinical research, aiming to eliminate redundant data entry by leveraging EHR data. We’ve made significant strides in this area, reducing data entry time by up to 93% and winning the Site Innovation Award.

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