Nadège Pelletier from childhood microscope to CSO

OSP: Could you give us an overview of your work? 

As the CSO, I lead Barinthus Bio’s scientific and technical teams in all phases of drug discovery and early development, from project initiation and platform development, up to clinical PD readouts and manufacturing. This is a very exciting time as we do have a few programmes with clinical readouts coming up soon. At the same time, we are building up the next generation of antigen-specific immunotherapy pipeline for people suffering from chronic diseases, whether in the autoimmunity, infectious diseases, or oncology field. 

OSP: When did you realise you were interested in science as a young child, teen, older?

At school, I was always interested in science. I was given my first microscope when I was seven years old! There were subjects that I liked more than others, but I always came back to science: biology, chemistry, physics were areas that I really loved. During high school, I had two professors who got me excited about biology, so much so that I continued on this path. At the time, I particularly enjoyed digging into the complex biology systems: the neurology circuitry, the immune system, and beyond. Immunology was already fascinating me back then. To this day, science still drives me and remains a true passion. 

OSP: Could you describe your personal journey bringing us to where you are now?

Human biology has always piqued my interest, particularly neurology, immunology, and genetics. This is why I decided to pursue my PhD in immunology. Ironically, while completing my post-doctorate studies in California, I realised that academia wasn’t for me. I wanted to be closer to human health so that I could make a difference for people living with diseases that impact the immune system. That’s when I decided to jump into the pharmaceutical industry, and I haven’t looked back since.

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