New bird strike measure to be trialled a 3 Kansai airports

In a significant development for aviation safety, Kansai Airports Group is set to commence the trial operation of the innovative bird control device, “Bird Sonic,” on Friday, March 1, 2024.

The plan aims to mitigate the risks associated with bird strikes at three prominent airports in the Kansai region.

The airports which will see the trial are Kansai International Airport, Osaka International Airport, and Kobe Airport.

Collaboration with Okayama University of Science

The trial operation will not be a standalone endeavor. It is a collaborative effort between Kansai Airports Group and Okayama University of Science.

Through an industry-academia joint demonstration experiment, the efficacy of the “Bird Sonic” device will be rigorously assessed.

Okayama University of Science brings invaluable expertise to the table, contributing to the scientific validation and promotion of this groundbreaking technology.

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The “Bird Sonic” Device

At the heart of this initiative lies the innovative functionality of the “Bird Sonic” device. Traditional methods sometimes pose harm to birds or rely on predictable patterns. In contrast, this device operates by randomly irradiating high frequencies which are safe to birds.

The change in frequency emitted ensures the birds do not become accustomed to the noise emitted. This approach effectively stimulates avoidance behavior among birds without causing any harm.

A Cathay Pacific flight lands at Kansai Airport, Japan
lasta29, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Implementation at Kansai Airports

The plan calls for strategic placement of the “Bird Sonic” devices near the landing areas of each airport.

The device creates a deterrent zone to reduce the frequency of bird-related incidents causing aircraft damage. As a result, the measure should then see flight cancellations and delays decrease significantly.

This measure aligns with the overarching goal of ensuring the safety and efficiency of air travel.

Safety Measures and Environmental Impact

The “Bird Sonic” device serves as a robust solution to bird control, whilst remaining entirely non-harmful to both birds and humans.

Developed with a keen focus on environmental sustainability, the technology behind “Bird Sonic” has applications beyond airports.

From railway tracks to farms, it demonstrates a commitment to creating harmony between human infrastructure and wildlife.

Airport Safety and Kansai Airports Group

This trial operation is a step towards ensuring a safe and secure environment for all airport users.

By fostering collaboration with affiliated companies and leveraging cutting-edge technologies, the group remains steadfast in its mission to uphold the highest standards of safety and operational excellence.

The Kansai Airports Group is a consortium of companies led by VINCI Airports and ORIX Corporation, established in 2015.

Kansai Airports took over the operations of KIX and ITM from the New Kansai International Airport Company (NKIAC) in April 2016.

It acquired Kobe Airport from the city of Kobe in April 2018 through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Kansai Airports Kobe.

Kansai Airports is a member of a larger group of eight companies that collaborate to ensure the smooth operation of the three airports. The group’s ownership structure is as follows:

ORIX Corporation (40%)
VINCI Airports (40%)
The remaining 20% is shared among other Japanese companies such as ASICS Corporation, Iwatani Corporation, and Osaka Gas Co., Ltd.

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