Not to be missed – our patient centricity in action webinar

The webinar will be broadcasting on Wednesday, December 6​ at 10am CST (Chicago) and 5pm CET (Paris) and will last for 60 minutes. There will be an opportunity to submit questions throughout. 

We have three extremely knowledgeable and forward-looking members on the panel including Dawn Anderson from Deloitte who is managing director of the company’s life sciences, research, and development. She is extremely knowledgeable about the industry and will be joining us to speak about patient diversity and will lightly touch upon patient retention.

Part of her presentation will look across the clinical trial ecosystem where there are barriers to clinical trial participation which primarily include trust, access, and awareness. She will also be looking at diversity strategies that must be prioritized when designing clinical trials to cultivate a proactive patient-centric approach. 

Also appearing is Steve O’Keeffe, a serial entrepreneur who has joined the non-profit sector founding Angry@Arthritis. His aim is to raise awareness and money to find new cures for osteoarthritis (OA).

He said he started the organization to ‘challenge the failing status quo’ and to provide a patent-centric resource for people who get an OA diagnosis.

He said on his site: “Born out of this frustration, I created Angry@Arthritis to cut through the pain. In addition to providing patients with better, more actionable information – and hope – we’re focused on raising the public profile of this terrible disease and on crowdsourcing funding to support new OA cures.

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