Partnership to enhance efficiency of development for cancer medicine

The two companies aim to develop the next wave of imaging-based diagnostics for precision medicine.

Merck is a leading science and technology company that develops next-generation precision medicine technology targeting a wide range of cancers.

The two companies are exploring how to harness the potential of biomarkers and radiomics to predict a cancer patient’s response to immunotherapy and anticipate cancer patient outcomes.

Predicting cancer responses

Quibim has years of experience in using artificial intelligence (AI) to develop predictive and prognostic models able to enhance patient stratification and contextualize potential benefits of novel therapies at a patient-, dose- and/or treatment level.

Merck KGaA says it is looking to integrate these models as it continues to advance data-driven decision-making within its global drug development and commercialization strategies.

The collaboration should hopefully enhance the efficiency of clinical development for cancer medicine which is a critical and global challenge. Unfortunately, the need to tackle the challenge has become more urgent due to the increasing number of cancer patients in need of personalized treatment.

30 million new cases of cancer

According to the Global Cancer Observatory, there will be an estimated 30 million new cases of cancer worldwide each year by 2040, up from 19 million in 2020. To face this, Quibim and Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany’s research will be laser-focused on finding technological solutions able to reduce costs and timelines for pharmaceutical development while also improving success rates.

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