path forward is giving sites their own log-in credentials

Advarra is set to reveal solutions tailored to address current challenges in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. With the results from the 2023 Advarra Site Survey highlighting the burden of training and use of sponsor technology on sites, it is putting forward solutions such as single sign-on and integrated technology ecosystems to streamline study start-up processes.

Additionally, Advarra​ is navigating the evolving regulatory landscape with a focus on centralized IRB review, which aims to reduce administrative burdens and promote consistent study conduct across sites. Looking ahead, it identifies key trends shaping the future of the pharmaceutical industry, including driving efficiencies through innovative technology, and enhancing user experience for sites and patients. Join us as we explore these innovations and Advarra’s strategic vision for the future.

Can you share any new products or services your company is unveiling at this year’s DIA and how do your latest innovations address current challenges in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries?

Results from the site survey suggest that training and use of sponsor technology is the greatest burden faced by sites in study start-up and that this burden has increased over the past five years. Discussions with site customers also suggest that the technology burden is due to several factors, including the number of different systems/logins including one with 23 for an oncology study and need for duplicate activities between site and sponsor technology. The path forward is enabling sites to log-on with their own credentials, a single sign-on, and by continuing to connect the technology ecosystem for user, document, and data flow.

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