Sichuan Airlines A321neo Suffers Engine Trouble in Changchun

A Sichuan Airlines Airbus A321neo operating a flight between Changchun and Chengdu had to return to it’s origin field due to an engine failure onboard.

Incident: Sichuan Airlines A321neo Suffers Engine Trouble in Changchun…

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Sichuan Airlines flight 3U8424 is a routine scheduled flight between Changchun and Chengdu, with the affected rotation being operated by B-325H.

As per data from, B-325H is a 2.4 year old Airbus A321neo that was delivered to the Chinese carrier back in October 2022, and is powered by two Pratt & Whitney PW1133G-JM engines.

Of the A321neo variant, the carrier has 27 in the fleet, of which 21 are in active service and six are currently parked, offering an average fleet age of 3.9 years.

Sichuan Airlines flight 3U8424 departed Changchun at 1247 local time on January 21 and initially climbed out in the direction of Chengdu.

As per The Aviation Herald, eye witnesses noticed that when the Airbus A321neo climbed out of the airport, they saw the right hand engine emit loud bangs and streaks of flames for about 10 times during this stage of departure.

Following this incident, 3U8424 then proceeded to enter some holds before making a return back to Changchun at 1432 local time that same day.

It is understood that the aircraft is still on the ground following this incident, with no indication into when it will return to commercial service following the issue with the right-hand engine.

On top of this, it is unclear whether this will be another casualty in the context of the issues Pratt & Whitney have been having with engines as of late.

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