Trump’s defense rests its case at trial, signaling start of final chapter

Former President Donald Trump’s defense rested its case at his “hush money” trial on Tuesday, signaling the start of the final chapter of proceedings before the jury begins deliberations next week. 

After hinting for weeks that he might take the stand, Trump ultimately decided not to. The defense called just two witnesses: a legal analyst, and Robert Costello, an attorney who got a harsh dressing down from the judge on Monday.

Costello’s testimony was aimed at discrediting the prosecution’s star witness, Michael Cohen, who wrapped up his own turn in the witness box the day before. Costello said he met and spoke with Cohen many times beginning in April 2018, after Cohen had his home and office searched by FBI agents.

Costello told jurors that Cohen told him Trump “knew nothing” about the $130,000 “hush money” payment that Cohen made to the adult film star Stormy Daniels in 2016. Cohen put up the money himself, and testified that Trump knew of a plan to cover up the payments reimbursing him. Trump has pleaded not guilty to 34 counts of falsification of business records.

For his part, Cohen said he never trusted Costello, and lied to him to protect himself.

After today, the trial will adjourn until next Tuesday, when both sides will begin presenting their closing arguments. The jury will then get the case.

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