Ukraine, UK, Sweden & Canada Lodge Complaint over PS752

Ukraine, UK, Sweden & Canada have lodged a complaint to the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) against Iran over the downing of flight PS752 four years ago.

Flight PS752 was downed by the Iranian military four years ago, with the country still not taking full responsibility for the accident.

Without further ado, let’s get into it…

Ukraine, UK, Sweden & Canada Lodge Complaint over PS752…

Photo Credit: LLBG Spotter via Wikimedia Commons.

Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752 was operating a flight between Tehran and Kyiv, when it was shot down minutes into it’s flight.

All 176 people onboard died following the accident. Iranian authorities acknowledged the downing, but never took responsibility for it.

That being said, it is understood that an Iranian court sentenced 10 servicemen to prison for the incident, but a group representing the passengers of flight PS752 have labelled it as “fictitious and non-transparent”.

As per The New Voice of Ukraine, the foreign ministry of the country has said the following on this:

“Initiating these proceedings today reflects our commitment to the families who deserve justice”.

“It also reflects our trust in the ICAO Council, and the international community writ large, as guardian of the safety and security of civil aviation, including by settling disputes when they arise. It is necessary that those who violate the rules are held accountable.”

Looking ahead, all eyes will be on whether any responsibility will be taken or not, or whether this will continue through ICAO for some time.

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