Vox Pop Pharma – the industry speaks

The news​ that broke yesterday (April 3) confirmed the collaboration’s aim to speed up the creation of safer and more effective cancer therapies and saw responses come in from across the pharma sector.

Let’s hear what they had to add to the story​.

Dr Jo Varshney, CEO, and founder of VeriSIM Life, says:

“Based on what we’ve seen, nearly all of the companies developing oncology drugs and seeking to use AI are applying it to the early discovery stage.

“The use case has been focused on generating new targets and quickly identifying molecules to engage them. But even with increasing computational capabilities, the translatability of these therapies is still lacking, with similar results to traditional drug design techniques.

“So, what we’re seeing is the industry come to appreciate that without better incorporating the complexity of biology such as physiology, OMICs, toxicity, and efficacy, you can’t meaningfully cut development time and cost. And that’s exactly our focus: pairing biological knowledge with deep learning, to help companies reduce up to half of their preclinical R&D.”  

Varshney was introduced to the world of drug development and research at a young age and an ethic of competitive achievement. She has front-led numerous collaborative engagements with a host of pharma clients, government agencies, academic and medical institutes, and industry innovators.  

Josh Shubert, CTO of cancer AI imaging startup Avenda Health:

“One of the top challenges in prostate cancer is visualizing the tumor’s size and extent. In other types of cancer, we can see the lesion just fine, but without fully characterizing the tumor, therapy selection is challenging.

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