Wendy Cheng on global AI regulation in pharmaceuticals

Wendy specializes in applying advanced methodologies to address complex healthcare research challenges and has used machine learning and other predictive modelling techniques, including latent class analysis to identify cost clusters in disease patient populations, and group-based trajectory analysis to identify disease prognosis patterns. 

Can you provide insights into the current global regulatory landscape governing AI in pharmaceuticals, particularly across major markets like the US, EU, Canada, UK, and the APAC region?

There is no AI-specific regulation for drug development at the moment across different global markets. That said, there is general guidance related to model-informed drug development and biostatistics that also applies to the field of AI. There have also been substantial local and global collaborative efforts to identify key considerations for proper AI use in medical product development, including the adoption and adaptation of technical standards and best practices for general computational models and for AI use in non-healthcare sectors, though such efforts have been largely focused on medical devices rather than drugs. For example, in October 2021, the US FDA, Health Canada, and the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) jointly identified 10 guiding principles​ to inform the development of Good Machine Learning Practice (GMLP) for medical devices that use AI. In May 2023, the US FDA issued a discussion paper on AI in drug development​ and outlined key areas to consider for the development of a framework or guidance. Similarly, in July 2023, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) issued a reflection paper on the use of AI in the medicinal product lifecycle​. This document provides initial considerations for the use of AI in various phases of the drug lifecycle, touching on topics related to documentation, regulatory interactions, technical aspects, governance, data protection, etc. 

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