Women in Science Wednesday – Karen Ooms’ journey to Quanticate

She works as joint chief operating officer at a specialist biometrics CRO called Quanticate where she looks after the programming and statistics functions. 

Could you give us an overview of your work?

My role is rather broad but roughly falls into the following categories, although every day is unique!

  • Ensuring that the needs of our customers are met and indeed striving to exceed expectations.
  • Developing our team members knowledge and experience through training and opportunities to work on a diverse range of projects.
  • Development of new tools and processes in the rapidly changing and exciting environment of data sciences.
  • Providing project scopes and costings for new opportunities.
  • Reviewing the financial performance of the operational aspects of Quanticate.

When did you realize you were interested in science – as a young child, teen, or older?

My interest was sparked at a very young age, with my grandfather giving me a chemistry set to grow crystals and my father giving me a range of magnets, batteries, and lights to play with. Then there was also the fascination of watching Open University programs, especially maths ones, in black and white early in the morning before the Saturday morning kids’ programs started. 

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