Neurological diseases focus of Pharmakure’s alliance with Malaysian university

The company will now work with the faculty of pharmacy at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) with the partnership focused on advancing research initiatives on the use of machine learning tools to predict Alzheimer’s Disease using blood via academic-industry partnerships.

Farid Khan, CEO of PharmaKure, (pictured below right) said: “The UK has an aging population, where 1 in 14 people over the age of 65 have Alzheimer’s Disease. There is an urgent need to not only identify people who will develop this devasting disease but also develop treatments.

“This agreement marks a significant milestone in establishing a research collaboration with UiTM, a leading academic institute, allowing us to partner with key experts and enhance our in-house expertise in the analysis of molecular signatures of disease biomarkers associated with Alzheimer’s.”

Machine learning to identify Alzheimer’s 

The new relationship aims to translate clinical research from UiTM using PharmaKure’s novel whole-blood testing and machine-learning technology for identifying early-stage Alzheimer’s Disease to support the development of much-needed diagnostic tests worldwide.

“Earlier and more accurate diagnostics for Alzheimer’s Disease are desperately needed if we are to prevent this devastating disease before profound memory loss takes hold,” said Professor Andrew Doig, head of R&D at PharmaKure.

“We are excited to be forming this relationship which will help us translate research from UiTM to further advance and commercialize diagnostic tests needed worldwide.”

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